Connaissez-vous votre peau ?

Do you know your skin?

Written by: Hector Sentilhes



Time to read 2 min

Dehydrated, dull skin, first signs of aging, pigment spots, shine, dark circles and puffiness, or even redness and lack of firmness... Concerns about the health of our skin are numerous and multiply in the face of daily aggressions, the passage of time, or even your lifestyle... thus altering its balance.


Having dry, moisture-deficient skin is very common. Hands, regularly exposed to irritating agents such as hot water, household chemicals; feet, due to constant friction with shoes; legs, influenced by factors such as shaving; the face, exposed to external elements such as cold, wind, sun... are all parts of the body affected by dry skin.

Whether temporary or seasonal, dry skin very often manifests itself by a feeling of tightness, less smooth, less uniform skin, loss of elasticity, as well as itching.

To prevent dry skin from getting worse, solutions to take care of your skin can easily be implemented:

  • Choose lukewarm water rather than hot water

  • Limit your time in the shower to 5 or 10 minutes

  • Use a gentle, natural and moisturizing cleanser every day like Neo by Nature shower gel

  • Gently dab your skin with a cotton towel

You would like to go further in knowing your skin: where should you start?


Learning to understand your skin is the first step to better meeting its needs. Several options are now within our reach to obtain a personalized and adapted skin diagnosis.

  • Consult a dermatologist: dermatologists, as specialized doctors, are the first to consult when skin problems are specific and/or persist. They are trained to identify and diagnose skin conditions, whether they are minor concerns or more serious issues. They will give you a precise diagnosis, advice adapted to your situation, and appropriate treatment - the dermatologist being authorized to prescribe medications and/or creams and to carry out surgical interventions when necessary. In addition to having a preventative role, dermatologists follow up to help you avoid future problems and adjust current treatment if necessary.

  • Consult a beautician in an institute: carrying out a skin diagnosis in an institute will allow you to obtain a precise assessment of your skin. Estheticians will perform a thorough analysis of your skin, using gentle, specialized (non-surgical) equipment and techniques. This assessment will help you understand the specific needs of your skin and choose the right products and treatments to improve the health of your skin and its appearance. It is advisable to carry out a skin diagnosis on average twice a year and to adapt your care routine according to the seasons or hormonal changes.

  • Book a consultation on : You don't have time to go to a practice or institute or you don't know where to turn? From now on, allows you to have access from home to these experts in dermo-cosmetics and professionals trained in aesthetics. You will then be able to book a consultation online. More practical, waiting times to access these professionals are reduced. Their training is perfectly adapted to address common skin problems, allowing you to receive personalized care and products to choose for healthy skin.


Every skin is unique and we can quickly get lost when faced with the many product offerings. Observing our skin and understanding it thanks to expert diagnoses is the first step to adopting a healthy routine and choosing the most suitable care.

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