Good resolutions for 2023

Environmental issues are, more than ever, major concerns. Air and water pollution, global warming, the emission of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide (CO2), cyclones, and floods are being observed throughout the world.
As much as possible, we must think about adopting eco-responsible actions to limit the ecological footprint. By acting together, it is possible to reduce environmental impacts and save the planet.
So, we have decided to offer you some ideas for ecological resolutions: small actions that are easy to apply on a daily basis for an ethical and sustainable year 2023!

Ecology in the kitchen

Faced with the scale of environmental concerns, we must consume more eco-friendly.

This starts by reducing the use of excess packaging. You can buy fruits and vegetables in bulk, organic and especially fresh. It will please your taste buds and your wallet more. Be thrifty households and choose local products!

Food waste must be avoided. Several million tonnes of food end up in the trash every year! Not to mention the preservatives and plastic packaging used. As such, there are several tips to counter waste: establish menus for the week, make a shopping list, do your shopping without being hungry, tidy your fridge, cook appropriate quantities, etc.

For household products too, it is in your interest to use those that are made from natural and eco-responsible ingredients, and that are packaged in recycled and recyclable materials. Remove chemical and dangerous components with high environmental impact.

Good waste management

Sorting is a good eco-responsible attitude. Organic waste will be placed in a worm composter to limit the accumulation of garbage in the bin. You thus recover compost, an effective natural fertilizer for your plants and your garden.

Use recycled materials and do not hesitate to sort waste. More and more brands are offering containers intended for and/or from recycling.
The bottle of our Neo by Nature refillable shower gel is made of stainless steel and is reusable for life. If you have to part with it one day (we hope this will not be the case!), stainless steel is one of the best recycled materials in France!
Stainless steel is one of the products that has a very low environmental impact: it is infinitely recyclable!

Reduce your impact on the environment in the bathroom

The bathroom is one of the most polluting places in the house! It produces tons of plastic waste, representing a real environmental disaster. For some time, the use of solid and natural cosmetics has been favored. Many brands are already embarking on ethical fashion to protect the planet.

First of all, adopt washable and reusable products. Say goodbye to disposable products like single-use cotton pads, wipes and sponges and favor sustainable and responsible alternatives. This is the principle of zero waste. For example, opt for the oriculi, the reusable bioplastic ear pick, to gently clean your ears, without producing waste.

Secondly, buy a refillable shower gel to dilute!

The hygiene product market is evolving. Shower gels have been criticized as very polluting for a long time, due to their plastic containers which only clutter up bathroom trash cans.

3/4 of French people appreciate the softness on the skin, the foam and the practicality of liquid shower gel on a daily basis. But this consumption represents at the end of the year more than 4,500 tonnes of plastic, which will subsequently be incinerated or land in our oceans. This is why we had to offer an eco-responsible alternative for those who are not fans of solid soap.

Neo by Nature offers a refillable shower gel, with subtle fragrances, made from natural ingredients, certified organic and made in France. Our motivation is to renew cosmetics by eliminating disposable plastic bottles, by offering sustainable packaging that is beautiful, elegant and high quality.

Thanks to an active ingredient in the form of tablets to be diluted with water in our stainless steel bottle, no more disposable containers! Stainless steel is a resistant, robust and unalterable material.

Our Neo by Nature liquid cleanser is a great alternative as an eco-responsible cosmetic. In addition, consumers are already becoming aware of the ecological impact of certain products and are looking more for brands with organic labels.

Favor ecological travel

Eco-responsible travel helps reduce the carbon footprint.
Take public transportation or carpool. It is also possible to use environmentally friendly electric vehicles, with two, three or four wheels depending on your needs.
Feel free to walk or use a bike for short trips. It's good for your health and for the planet! Indeed, these are non-polluting activities and very beneficial for the body and mind.

By using our refillable shower gel, you contribute to reducing transport, therefore reducing the ecological footprint. Neo by Nature products are made in France. In addition, they are small, easy to transport, and can be slipped into your mailbox! No need to ask a delivery person for a second trip in a polluting vehicle because you were absent during the delivery!

To conclude, let’s act together…

Both for us and for the planet, let's make good ecological resolutions and start the new year in style!

Changing things is possible thanks to a few simple actions that we can all apply on a daily basis! And if it's not in January, it will be later in the year, don't feel guilty.

The important thing is to start!

Team Neo

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